What is Forex Litigation

What is Forex Litigation? Capital Forex Trainings News

What is Forex Litigation? 

In the face of forex fraud, various legal processes that can be followed depending on the type and characteristics of the unfair event are called forex lawsuits.

 When we say forex cases here, it includes debt cases, negative clearance cases, enforcement proceedings, criminal complaints and criminal cases, mediation negotiations, etc. Many legal processes are involved. We will give details of these processes below.


The important thing here is to correctly evaluate the concrete event and plan the legal process to be followed according to the possibilities. For this reason, the right path should be planned with a forex lawyer who has worked in this field.

 Many legislative provisions come to the fore in Forex cases. The most important of these are the Capital Markets Law No. 6363 and the Communiqué No. 28704 (Official Gazette) on Principles Regarding Investment Services and Activities and Ancillary Services. Then Turkish Penal Code, Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law, Consumer Protection Law, Commercial Code etc. legislative arrangements will come to the agenda according to the characteristics of the concrete case.

Source. Mihci


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تعليق واحد

  1. Zara
    The important thing here is to correctly evaluate the concrete event and plan the legal process to be followed according to the possibilities. For this reason, the right path should be planned with a forex lawyer who has worked in this field.

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